Delay mass voice - mIRC Snippet | Pagina principala

Delay mass voice

mIRC SNippet to give a mass voice using a delay of 5 seconds. is the biggest romanian web portal where you can find mirc scripts and source codes.

alias vall {
  var %chan $active | if (%chan !ischan) { echo -a This command can only be done on a channel. | return }
  if ($me !isop %chan) { echo -a Your nickname must have an @ status on the channel %chan | return }
  var %users $nick(%chan,0,r), %i 1 | while (%i <= %users) {
    var %user $nick(%chan,%i,r) | if (%user != $me) { var %nm = %nm %user }
    if ($numtok(%nm,32) == $modespl) { inc %va_count | $timerdelay(%chan,%va_count) mode %chan $+(+,$str(v,$modespl)) %nm | unset %nm }
    inc %i
  if (%nm) { inc %va_count | $timerdelay(%chan,%va_count) mode %chan $+(+,$str(v,$numtok(%nm,32))) %nm } | unset %va_count
alias -l timerdelay { return .timerVALL $+ $+(_,$1,_,$2) 1 $calc(5 * $2 - 5) }